The story of your ministry network and your network’s cause is a critical one to tell. Your ministry network has a holistic view of a cause which can educate audiences deeply about how God is at work within your area of focus. This e-book provides an overview of several aspects of network storytelling. Content along with practical exercises will set you up for implementation to get you beyond just thinking about this.
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INTRO – What’s this all about?
Chapter 1: WHY tell your network stories?
Chapter 2: WHAT are your network stories?
- Exercise 1: Considering themes
- Exercise 2: Finding examples
- Exercise 3: Structuring your story
Chapter 3: WHO is your audience?
- Exercise 1: Audience profile
Chapter 4: HOW can you tell your network stories?
- Exercise 1: Inventories
- Exercise 2: Resource discovery
Appendix 1: Additional resource list
Appendix 2: Exercise worksheets to facilitate chapter exercises